Av någon underlig anledning kan jag inte betala med kort via Tradera längre! Det går däremot om jag går direkt via Nordea. Undrar därför om jag kan få dina kontouppgifter och betala m h a dem?
Hi!For some strange reason I can't pay by card via Ebay anymore! However, if I go directly via Nordea. Wonder if I can get your account details and pay m h (a) them?M v. h Malin Nelsonhandlaren38
For some strange reason, I can not pay by credit card Tradera anymore! However, it is if I go directly through Nordea. Therefore wonder if I can get your account information and pay with the help of them?
hey!for some strange reason, i can't pay with the card via tradera anymore! it is, on the other hand, if i go directly through the nordea. therefore, i wonder if i can have your account details and pay m h a?m v h malin nelsonhandlaren38