Enklast hittar du dina fakturor och fakturauppgifter på Mitt Tele2. Gäller fakturan ett mobilabonnemang kan du skicka ett SMS med texten "Faktura" till 333 så får du fakturauppgifterna tillbaka i ett SMS.
The easiest way you can find your invoices and billing information on My Tele2. Applies the invoice a mobile subscription, you can send an SMS with the text "Note" to 333 so you get invoice information back in a text message.
The easiest way you can find your invoices and invoice details on my Tele2. Applies to invoice a mobile subscription, you can send an SMS with the text "Invoice" to 333 to get the invoice data back in a text message.
Easiest way to find your invoices and billing information on my Tele2. For the invoice a subscriptions you can send an SMS with the text "Invoice" to 333 so you may insert back in a SMS message.