Föräldrapenning Du har rätt att resa på semester utomlands med föräldrapenning. Du behöver inte anmäla det i förväg till oss. Tänk på att du endast kan få föräldrapenning så länge som du anses bosatt i Sverige.
Parental allowanceYou have the right to travel on holiday abroad with parental allowance. You do not need to report it to us in advance. Keep in mind that you can only receive the parental allowance for as long as you are considered resident in Sweden.
Parental You have the right to travel on holiday abroad with parental allowance. You do not need to notify it in advance to us. Remember that you can only get parental benefits as long as you are considered a resident of Sweden.
parentalyou have the right to travel on holiday abroad with parental. you don"t need to notify it in advance of us. remember, you can only receive maternity pay, as long as you deemed resident in sweden.