Mittuniversitetet söker till Avdelningen för Informations-och kommunik的英文翻譯

Mittuniversitetet söker till Avdeln

Mittuniversitetet söker till Avdelningen för Informations-och kommunikationsssystem, Campus Sundsvall, Två doktorander (licentiander) i Datateknik inom IoT och Big Data
Ref nr MIUN 2015/2101
Ref nr MIUN 2015/2102

Forskningscentret STC (Sensible Things that Communicate, söker doktorander inom projektet SMART – Smarta system och tjänster. Forskarstudierna kommer att genomföras tillsammans med industriella partners i ett större projekt som integrerar teknologiutmaningar inom smarta system och tjänster inom applikationsområdet smarta samhällen, övervakning av stora ytor och effektiv produktion.

Doktorandtjänst inom Internet of Things för det Smarta Samhället (MIUN 2015/2101) Vi söker en doktorand för att utveckla vår verksamhet inom området Internet of Things. Målet är att utveckla och analysera nya metoder och protokoll kopplade till säkerhet och access för det smarta samhället. Erfarenhet inom områdena distribuerade system, säkerhet, accessprotokoll, matematik samt programmering av inbyggda system är meriterande.

För mer information kontakta: Prof. Mikael Gidlund (

Doktorandtjänst inom Big data analys för sakernas Internet (MIUN 2015/2102) Forskningsfokus för denna doktorandtjänst kommer att vara på avancerade algoritmer för maskininlärning och data-mining i syfte att analysera stora datamängder. Forskningen inom Big-data analys kommer speciellt att vara inriktade mottorskaliga IoT nätverk, där den tekniska utvecklingen kommer att öka behovet att hantera och analysera stora datamängder dramatiskt.

För mer information kontakta: Prof. Tingting Zhang (

Behörighet och bedömningsgrunder: Grundläggande behörighet har den som avlagt en examen på avancerad nivå eller fullgjort kursfordringar om minst 240 högskolepoäng, varav minst 60 högskolepoäng på avancerad nivå eller på något annat sätt inom eller utom landet förvärvat i huvudsak motsvarande kunskaper. Särskild behörighet har den som har minst 90 högskolepoäng i elektroteknik, datateknik eller ämnen nära besläktade med dessa eller på något annat sätt inom eller utom landet förvärvat i huvudsak motsvarande kunskaper.

Förutom de formella behörighetskraven kommer urvalet även att baseras på annat arbete (t.ex. examensarbete, projektarbeten), kurser och intervjuer med de sökande. Tidigare erfarenhet från arbete med trådlös kommunikation, signalbehandling, databaser och realtidsystem ses som en fördel. Personliga kvalitéer som samarbetsförmåga, initiativförmåga och lämplighet för doktorandstudier kommer att sammanvägas med den formella ämneskunskapen. En kort beskrivning av den sökandes visioner och mål skall inkluderas i ansökan.

Handläggning: Beredningen av anställningen följer de former som anges i högskoleförordningens 5 kap. och fortgår i enlighet med den handläggningsordning för doktorandanställningar som gäller vid Mittuniversitetet.

Anställning: Doktorandanställningen avser en anställning som i första hand motsvarar två års heltidsstudier och förväntas leda fram till en licentiatexamen. Anställningen kan komma att förlängas fram till doktorsexamen förutsatt att ytterligare finansiering erhålls.

Anställningsort: Sundsvall

Tillträde: Enligt överenskommelse.

Lön: Enligt Mittuniversitetets lönetrappa för doktorander.

För mer information om tjänsten/upplysningar: Patrik Österberg, Avdelningschef, Tel. 010-142 86 14, e-post:

Fackliga företrädare: Ummis Jonsson, SACO, tfn 010- 142 88 09 och Lollo Ljuslin, Fackförbundet ST/TCO, tfn 010-142 79 14.

Ansökan: Ska innehålla styrkt meritförteckning, kopior av betyg och examensbevis, angivande av önskat forskningsområde enligt ovan, samt övriga handlingar som önskas åberopas. Ansökan skall vara Mittuniversitetet tillhanda senast den 15 december 2015. Ansökan skickas till eller till Registrator, Mittuniversitetet, 851 70 Sundsvall. Beroende på sökt tjänst, ange iansökan ett av följande referens:

Doktorandtjänst inom Internet-of-Things för det Smarta Samhället (MIUN 2015/2101) Doktorandtjänst inom big data analysis for industrial applications (MIUN 2015/2102)

Mittuniversitetet arbetar aktivt för lika villkor och strävar efter att ta tillvara de kvaliteter som mångfald och jämställdhet ger verksamheten.
原始語言: -
目標語言: -
結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
Mid Sweden University is looking to the Division for information and kommunikationsssystem, Campus Sundsvall, Two PhD students (licentiander) in computer science and engineering in the IoT and Big DataREF no MIUN 2015/2101REF no MIUN 2015/2102Research Centre STC (Sensible Things that Communicate, is looking for graduate students within the project SMART — smart systems and services. Postgraduate studies will be carried out together with industrial partners in a larger project that integrates technology challenges in smart systems and services within the application area smart communities, monitoring of large surfaces and efficient production.PhD studentships in Internet of Things for the smart Society (MIUN 2015/2101) we are looking for a graduate student to develop our activities in the field of Internet of Things. The objective is to develop and analyze new methods and protocols related to security and access for the smart society. Experience in the areas of distributed systems, security, access protocols, mathematics and programming of embedded systems is a plus.For more information, please contact: Prof. Michael G ( studentships in Big data analysis for the Internet of things (MIUN 2015/2102) research focus of this postgraduate studentships will be on advanced algorithms for machine learning and data mining in order to analyze large amounts of data. The research of the Big-data analysis will especially be geared mottorskaliga IoT network, where technological developments will increase the need to manage and analyze large data sets dramatically.For more information, please contact: Prof. Zhang Tingting ( and assessment criteria: Basic access is the one who passed an exam at an advanced level or completed course requirements of at least 240 ECTS credits, of which at least 60 higher education credits at graduate level or in any other way in or out of the country acquired essentially equivalent. Special access is the one that has a minimum of 90 ECTS-credits in electrical engineering, computer engineering or topics closely related to these or any other way in or out of the country acquired essentially equivalent.In addition to the formal eligibility criteria selection will also be based on other work (e.g. thesis, project work), courses and interviews with applicants. Previous experience from work with wireless communication, signal processing, databases and real-time system is seen as an advantage. Personal qualities like teamwork, initiative and suitability for doctoral studies will be consistent with the formal subject knowledge. A brief description of the applicant's vision and goals to be included in the application.Processing: preparation of employment are the forms set out in the higher education Ordinance Chapter 5. and continues according to the processing order for doctorate positions at mid Sweden University.Affiliation: PhD student employment refers to a position which is equivalent to two years of full-time study and is expected to lead to a Licentiate degree. The employment may be extended until the doctoral degree provided that additional funding is obtained.Place Of Employment: SundsvallAccess: by appointment.Salary: according to mid Sweden University payroll staircase for doctoral students.For more information about the service/information: Patrik Österberg, head of Department, Tel. 010-142 86 14, e-mail: patrik.osterberg@miun.seUnion representatives: Ummis Jonsson, SACO, Tel: 010-88 and 142 09 Lollo Ljuslin, Union ST/TCO, Tel. 010-142 79 14.Application: to contain proven curriculum vitae, copies of transcripts and diplomas, an indication of the desired research area as described above, as well as other documents required to be invoked. Applications must be received by Us no later than 15 december 2015. The application will be sent to or to the Registrar, mid Sweden University, Sundsvall, 851 70. Depending on the searched service, enter the dossier submitted one of the following reference:PhD studentships in the Internet-of-Things for the smart Society (MIUN 2015/2101) doctoral studentship in big data analysis for industrial applications (MIUN 2015/2102) Mid Sweden University is actively working for a level playing field and strive to make the most of the qualities that diversity and equality gives the business.
結果 (英文) 2:[復制]
Mittuniversitetet looking to the Division of Information and communication systems, Campus Sundsvall, two graduate students (licentiate) in Computer Engineering in the IoT and Big Data
Ref No. MIUN 2015/2101
Ref No. MIUN 2015/2102 Research Center STC (Sensible Things that Communicate, / STC) is looking for graduate students in the project SMART - Smart systems and services. The research studies will be conducted together with industrial partners in major projects that integrate technology challenges in smart systems and services in the application area of smart communities, surveillance of large areas and efficient production. Doctoral student in the Internet of Things for Smart Society (MIUN 2015/2101) We are looking for a graduate student to develop our activities in the field of the Internet of Things. The goal is to develop and analyze new methods and protocols related to security and access for the smart society. Experience in the fields of distributed systems, security, access protocols, mathematics and programming of embedded systems is an advantage. For more information contact: Prof. Michael Gidlund ( PhD student in Big Data analysis for the Internet of Things (2015/2102 MIUN ) research focus of this PhD position will be on advanced algorithms for machine learning and data mining to analyze large amounts of data. Research in Big Data analysis will particularly focus mottorskaliga IoT network, where technological developments will increase the need to manage and analyze large amounts of data dramatically. For more information contact: Prof. Tingting Zhang ( Eligibility and Criteria: Basic eligibility requires a degree at advanced level or have completed course requirements of at least 240 credits, including 60 credits at advanced level, or in some other way in Sweden or abroad has acquired substantially equivalent knowledge. Specific eligibility requires at least 90 credits in electrical engineering, computer science, or substances closely related to them or in some other way in Sweden or abroad has acquired largely equivalent knowledge. In addition to the formal admission requirements, selection will also be based on other work (eg . thesis, project work), courses and interviews with the applicants. Previous experience of working with wireless communication, signal processing, database and real-time systems is seen as an advantage. Personal qualities that interpersonal skills, initiative and aptitude for doctoral studies will be balanced with the formal subject knowledge. A brief description of the candidate's vision and goals to be included in the application. Processing: The preparation of employment follow the forms specified in the Education Ordinance Chapter 5. and proceeds in accordance with the procedural regulations for student positions in effect at Mid Sweden University. Employment: The employment refers to a job that primarily equivalent of two years full-time study and is expected to lead to a licentiate. The appointment may be extended up to the doctorate, provided that additional funding is obtained. Place of employment: Sundsvall: According to agreement. Salary: According Mittuniversitetets salary for graduate students. For more information about the service / information: Patrik Österberg, Department Manager, Tel. 010-142 86 14, email: union representatives: Ummis Jonsson, SACO, tel 010- 142 88 09 and Lollo Ljuslin, Union ST / TCO, tel 010-142 79 14. Application: Should provide proven CV, copies of certificates and diplomas, stating the desired research area as above, and other material if needed. The application must be Mittuniversitetet later than 15 December 2015. Applications should be sent to or to the Registrar, Mid Sweden University, 851 70 Sundsvall. Depending on the applied service, enter iansökan one of the following reference: PhD position in Internet-of-Things for Smart Society (MIUN 2015/2101) PhD student within the big data analysis for Industrial Applications (MIUN 2015/2102) Mid Sweden University is actively working for equal opportunities and seeks to exploit the qualities that diversity and equal opportunity business.

結果 (英文) 3:[復制]
mittuniversitetet seeks for the department of information and kommunikationsssystem campus, sundsvall, two doctoral students (licentiander) in computing in the iot and big data (ref. miun 2015 / 2101 (ref. miun 2015 / 2102

research centre (stc sensible things that communicate, / stc) looking for phd students within the project, smart, smart systems and services.forskarstudierna will be carried out together with industrial partners in a major project that integrates teknologiutmaningar in smart systems and services in the applikationsområdet smart communities, monitoring of large surfaces and efficient production.

in the internet of things doktorandtjänst for smart society (miun 2015 / 2101) we are looking for a student to develop our activities in the field of internet of things. the objective is to develop and analyze new methods and protocols related to safety and access for the intelligent society. experience in the areas of distributed systems, security, accessprotokoll,mathematics and programming of embedded system is creditable.

, for more information, please contact: prof. michael gidlund (mikael.gidlund @

doktorandtjänst in big data analysis for internet of things (miun 2015 / 2102) forskningsfokus for this doktorandtjänst will be on advanced algorithms for maskininlärning and data mining, in order to analyse large data sets.research in big data analysis, especially to be focused mottorskaliga iot network, the technical development will increase the need to manage and analyze large data sets dramatically.

, for more information, please contact: prof. zhang tingting (tingting.zhang @

competence and criteria:basic competence he has passed an examination at the advanced level or completed kursfordringar of at least 240 s.a.t. scores, of which at least 60 sat scores at the advanced level, or in any other way in or out of the country acquired essentially corresponding knowledge. specific power, which has at least 90 sat scores in electrical technology or substances closely related to these, or in any other way in or out of the country acquired essentially equivalent knowledge.

in addition to the formal job requirements selection will also be based on other work (e.g. thesis, projektarbeten), courses, and interviews with the applicant. previous experience from work with wireless communications, signal processing,databases and real-time system is seen as an advantage. personal qualities to collaborate, initiative and suitability for postgraduate studies will sammanvägas with the formal ämneskunskapen. a brief description of the applicant's visions and goals should be included in the application. 3 the processing: the processing of employment following the forms set out in högskoleförordningens 5 cape.and is in accordance with the handläggningsordning for doktorandanställningar force at mittuniversitetet.

employment: doktorandanställningen refers to a job in the first place, the equivalent of two years full-time study and is expected to lead to a licentiatexamen. employment may be extended up to the doctorate, provided additional funding is received. 3 the place of employment:sundsvall

access: according to agreement.

wages: according to mittuniversitetets lönetrappa for doctoral candidates.

for more information about the service / information: patrick österberg, head of department, tel: 010 - 142 86 14, e-mail: patrik.osterberg @

trade union representatives: ummis jonsson, saco, tel: 010 - 142 88 09 and ljuslin lollo, the st / tco, tel: 010 - 142 79 14. 3 the application:to contain the authenticated resume, copies of transcripts and diplomas, the indication of the desired area according to the above, as well as other documents that will be invoked. the application shall be mittuniversitetet not later than 15 december 2015. applications to be sent to the registrar @ or to the registrar, mittuniversitetet, 851 70 sundsvall. depending on the applied serviceiansökan indicate one of the following references:

doktorandtjänst within the internet of things for the smart society (miun 2015 / 2101) doktorandtjänst in big data analysis for industrial applications (miun 2015 / 2102)

mittuniversitetet is actively working for equal conditions, and strive to take advantage of the qualities of diversity and equality operation.
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