Tack för din beställning! Vi har mottagit dina filer och startar produ的英文翻譯

Tack för din beställning! Vi har mo

Tack för din beställning! Vi har mottagit dina filer och startar produktionen när vi har fått bekräftelse från dig att kostnadsstället är korrekt.

OBS! Efter 1 Jan 2016 måste fakturamottagaren vara Lupinanvändare. Om du inte själv är Lupinanvändare ange personen på avdelningen som hanterar dina fakturor.
Detta gäller bara för fakturering internt inom LU.

I bilagan hittar du ordernumret som är bra att ha tillhands vid frågor.

Kostnadsställe som vi har till dig är 314288.

Thank you for the order. We have recieved you files and will start the production as soon as you have confirmed the LU 6 figure debit number.

PLEASE NOTE! After Jan 2016 the recipient of the invoice must be registered as a LUPIN user. If you don´t have LUPIN admission please state the Lupin user on your department. This only apply to invoices addressed to LU.

Attached you will find the ordernumber that we need if you have any questions.

Kostnadsställe som vi har till dig är 314288.

Med vänliga hälsningar / Best Regards

Box 117, 221 00 Lund Besöksadress Sölvegatan 14, hus I Hämtställe 80
Telefon 046-222 91 76 E-post media-tryck@se.lu.se Webbadress http://www.lu.se/media-tryck

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結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
Thank you for your order! We have received your files and start production once we receive confirmation from you that the cost center is correct.Please note! After 1 January 2016, the recipient of the invoice be Lupinanvändare. If you are not comfortable with is Lupinanvändare enter the person in the Department that manages your invoices. This only applies to billing internally within LU. In the annex you will find the order number which is great to have on hand for questions.The cost center that we have for you is 314288.Thank you for the order. We have recieved you files and will start the production as soon as you have confirmed the LU 6 figure debit number.PLEASE NOTE! After Jan 2016 the recipient of the invoice must be registered as a LUPINE user. If you don ' t have LUPIN admission please state the Lupin user on your department. This only apply to invoices addressed to LU.Attached you will find the ordernumber that we need if you have any questions.The cost center that we have for you is 314288.Best regards/Best RegardsMEDIA-PRESSP.o. box 117, 221 00 Lund, Sweden visiting address: Sölvegatan 14, House in Hämtställe 80Phone: 046-222 91 76 e-mail media-tryck@se.lu.se URL http://www.lu.se/media-press---This email has been scanned for viruses by antivirus from Avast.https://www.avast.com/antivirus
結果 (英文) 2:[復制]
Thanks for your order! We have received your files and start production once we have received confirmation from you that the cost center is correct.

NOTE! After January 1, 2016 must be the invoice recipient Lupin Users. If you yourself are not Lupin Users specify the person in the department that manages your invoices.
This is only for billing internally within LU.

In the Annex, you will find the order number that are good to have on hand for questions.

Cost Center that we have for you is the 314,288th

Thank you for the orders. We have recieved files and you will start the production as soon as you have confirmed the LU 6 figure debit number.

PLEASE NOTE! After January 2016 the recipient of the invoice must be registered as a LUPIN user. If you don't have LUPIN admission please state the Lupin user on your department. This only apply to invoices Addressed to LU.

Attached you will find the order number That we need if you have any questions.

Cost Center that we have for you is the 314,288th

Sincerely / Best Regards

Box 117, 221 00 Lund, Sweden Visiting address Sölvegatan 14 houses in Hämtställe 80
Phone 046-222 91 76 e-mail media-tryck@se.lu.se URL http://www.lu.se/media-tryck

This email has been scanned for viruses with antivirus Avast.
結果 (英文) 3:[復制]
thank you for your order! we have received your files and start the production, when we got the confirmation from you that kostnadsstället is correct.please note! after 1 january 2016 fakturamottagaren must be lupinanvändare. if you yourself are lupinanvändare indicate person in the department that handles your invoices.this applies only for billing internally within the lu.in the annex, you can find ordernumret is good to have available for questions.item we have for you is 314288.thank you for the order. we have recieved you files and will start the production as soon as you have confirmed the lu 6 figure debit number.please note! after jan 2016 the recipient of the invoice must be registered as a user of lupin. if you don"t have lupin admission, please state the lupin user on your department. this only apply to invoices addressed to lu.attached you will find the ordernumber that we need, if you have any questions.item we have for you is 314288.with kind regards / best regardsthe media pressurebox 117, 221 00 lund address sölvegatan 14, house in hämtställe 80phone 046 - 222 91 76 e-mail media - press @ se.lu.se internet (http: / / www.lu.se / media pressure- - -this e-mail has been cleared after the virus anti-virus from avast.https: / / www.avast.com / antivirus
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