Vill ni ha Borat buffern autoklaverad? Om den autoklaveras vilken mängd vill ni ha i flaskan. Jag gör media i flaskor med 900ml, 400ml, 200ml och 100ml.
Would you like Borat buffern plastering? Alternatively, if the amount you want in the bottle. I do media in bottles with 900ml, comb, 200 ml and 100 ml.
Do you want borate buffer autoclaved? If the autoclave what amount do you want in the bottle. I do the media in bottles of 900ml, 400ml, 200ml and 100ml.
You want to have Borate buffer autoclaved? If the autoclave the amount you want to have in the bottle. I do media in bottles of 900ml, 400ml, 200ml and 100ml.