Hej! Din senaste faktura på 95.00 kr är inte betald. För att undvika en påminnelseavgift på 60 kr betala snarast till PG 474 60 03-5, använd OCR 4110269487636. Om du har betalat under de senaste dagarna, kan du bortse från detta SMS. Hälsningar Comviq
Hi! Your last invoice at 95.00 kr is not paid. In order to avoid a late payment fee of 60 SEK pay promptly to PG 474 60 03-5, use OCR 4110269487636. If you have paid in the last few days, you can disregard this message. Greetings Comviq
Hey! Your last invoice of 95.00 SEK is not paid. To avoid a late payment fee of 60 SEK to pay as soon as the PG 474 60 03-5, use OCR 4,110,269,487,636th If you have paid in recent days, you can ignore this message. greetings Comviq
hey! your last invoice in 92 ad is not paid. in order to avoid a påminnelseavgift 60 dollars to pay as soon as possible to the pg 474 60 03 - 5, use ocr 4110269487636. if you have paid in the last few days, you can ignore this message. greetings comviq