After that, among other things have heard relatives to recent murder victim, please contact Peter Thylén convinced: - hearings have shown that Tang had no dark secret. - He was not with some strange shops or similar, but was really a fine man who is sorely was ordained, he says. Policeman considers that the suspicions against Veronica's husband Lin You have been strengthened, also with regard to the murder of Tang:- The Journey has shown that there is no other possible motivbild than vårdnadstvisten.
wanted to fool the Veronica
to access the Veronica needed grannlägenheten, think Peter Thylén. - You wanted to trick the Veronica. By murdering and hide Tang, who lived there, it would have us believe that he was the offender and that he fled.Which we also thought first - he was remanded in its appearance. When Tang found murdered suspected flax You. - But, unfortunately, had district court released him from detention a few days before its. It would never happened if we had found Tang earlier - in the case of flax You have no excuse for the murder, says Peter Thylén.