EBay has been contacted regarding the auction "Salomon, stl 44 black with red ' (267689500). According to the purchaser's shipment has not yet arrived.We recommend that you contact the buyer so that you together can sort out what may have happened.You reach the buyer at 0046-0760371330, or via e-mail stockholm2004@hotmail.comYou also have access to phone numbers and other contact information in My Ebay-sold. Click on "more options" in the current auction, and then "View order confirmation" and you'll see the buyer's contact information.If the item has been deleted in the delivery, you may contact the carrier's customer service for help.The fact that Ebay is not involved in business transactions, we can not take a position for one or the other party in a deal. However, we are happy to provide advice and recommendations to help you to solve this yourselves.Read more here: http://www.tradera.com/help/HelpPage.aspx?NodeID=2096With kind regardsWe are on eBayhttp://www.tradera.com