Good morning my dear
It has been a couple of days of head spinning changes since we started communicating. I'm very happy about the journey we have started together and excited to see where it leads. I guess it's up to us what we make of it.
I can spend all day writing to you, thinking of you and making plans. But I can't. I have to work as well. Today I need to finish some designs for a New Years event in NYC so I will have limited time to write. But I will think of you all day regardless.
Let's begin with the days in January you are planning to be in Bejing. When will you arrive and when do you plan on returning home?
Thank you for your long letter about you background. I appreciate you candor and I feel your pain from previous experience. The difficulties in life can make us stronger and you have shown heart,perseverance and courage. I admire that. I will reciprocate with "my story". It will probably come in several chapters.
With love
torsdag 18 december 2014 skrev Eva li :
Hello Göran
Good morning! I think of you as well
Thank you very much for your letter. I hope you can come in Januari. If it is not possible you can plan with some weeks ahead then when you know i can investigate so i can have some days off.
Wish you a very good day
With Love
Eva Li