a country outside the eu, eea or switzerlandthe child is sickyou can"t get temporary parents" benefit if your child becomes ill during a temporary stay in a country outside the european union.parentalyou can go to a country outside the eu, in health, so long asyou still be deemed to be resident in sweden. it doesn"t matter whereyou are when you are caring for the child.if you find yourself outside the eu so you are resident in sweden, if the stay is estimated to be in the 6 months.parentalyou have the right to travel on holiday abroad with parental. you don"t need to notify it in advance of us. remember, you can only receive maternity pay, as long as you deemed resident in sweden.[发布: 北京时间 2013 / 9 / 23, 2: 49: 13]名号: 北欧居士 男级别: 下士http: / / www.forsakrings