Här kan du testa ditt BankID och Nordea e-legitimation. Om testet visar att ditt BankID fungerar men du ändå inte kan logga in hos en viss myndighet, kan det vara fel på myndighetens sida.
Here you can test your BankID and Nordea e-identification. If the test shows that your BankID works but you still cannot log on to a particular authority, it may be a problem with authority.
Here you can test your BankID and Nordea e-identification. If the test shows that your BankID works but you still can not log in to a specific authority, it might be wrong with authority.
Here you can test your BankID and Nordea e-authentication. If the test shows that your BankID is working, but you are still unable to log in at a particular authority, it may be a fault on the authority's side.